Saturday, September 5, 2009

Organic Landscaping: For best results, go local!

I live in Boston and where prices are high and land is hard to come by, so why launch a landscape business here? It's simple, after seven years of experience in managing urban orchards and urban wilds, planting thousands of trees, and instructing thousands of volunteers with EarthWorks in Boston, I know the territory!

I have extensive experience working with edible plants and natives, which give us a distinct look that is unmatched anywhere else in our country. I know how to use these plants in the City, where buildings and geography combine to create varying microclimates and growing conditions for plants. I also know where to find the best materials and which vendors to stay away from.
My interest in landscaping comes from a strong ethic for environmental stewardship. Landscapes should provide habitat for birds and beneficial insects and food and other materials for people. Landscapers should work create environmentally-sustainable gardens for home, commercial and public spaces. Doing it right not only means that you are protecting the planet, but you are also minimizing the costs of maintenance. Most importantly, even the smallest patch of dirt can offer a place for the individual to connect with nature through gardening. If you are hands-on, but feel like you need extra guidance or help, I want to work with you.

Are you looking to incorporate edible plants into your landscape? Are you looking to capture the unique beauty that Boston has to offer through landscaping your home or office area? I am here to help! For those who may not have the time, I offer services to meet your needs. Some of my services include, but are not limited to:

Soil testing and analysis;
Small garden plans and planting;
Tree and shrub planting (no large caliper);
Ornamental tree pruning;
Plant disease diagnosis and treatment; and
Subcontractor management.

Boston is also my home town and I have a vested interest in the place and its people. So, I am launching a blog and website to help inform people about the latest in local, organic landscaping and gardening. Check back for articles on local issues, events, and notes from the field.

Let’s make Boston more beautiful, together! You can reach me at

Want to know more about my background? Here are some links:

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